Since its foundation, AxisIMA has collaborated in various Technological Innovation programs directly and linked to research centers. Likewise, with its own resources and through financing from various organizations, We have developed utility models and patented equipment that allow us to offer services that guarantee the highest level of technological innovation.
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Why not stop intervening aggressively on the beaches and see what they have to say?
The comprehensive and definitive solution to the erosion problem in Yucatan is unknown. There are only theories, opinions and strategies. But no one can give certainty of a solution now.
AxisIMA viene implementando desde el 2004 una metodología de desarrollo propio para recuperación de playas sujetas a fuerte procesos erosivos. A la fecha se cuenta con mas de 10 kms de intervenidos de manera exitosa entre protección de costa y recuperación de playas en el sureste mexicano.
La solución integral y definitiva al problema de erosión en Yucatán es desconocida. Solo hay teorías, opiniones y estrategias. Pero nadie puede dar certeza de una solución ahora.
AxisIMA is an international consulting firm located in Mexico. Across 18 years, the firm has specialized in providing critical, integrated and innovative solutions for coastal engineering, environmental impact assessment, environmental management and renewable energy project development.
AxisIMA es una consultora internacional con sede en México. Durante los últimos 19 años, la firma se ha especializado en proporcionar soluciones críticas, integradas e innovadoras que respaldan la ingeniería costera, la evaluación de impacto ambiental, la gestión ambiental y el desarrollo de proyectos de energía renovable.
Axisima and CCell have formed a strong partnership within the Central and Latin American regions to deliver affordable and ecological coastal management. This involves submerged breakwater reefs that offer long-term coastal protection to bring sand back to your coastline.